Let’s Get Started with Consultation!

Rooted Compassion Counseling and Consulting, LLC is available to train and consult with public and private businesses, agencies and organizations, and schools about trauma, the causes and effects, and ways to build resiliency and practices that honor and support those who have experienced trauma.  Rooted Compassion will work with you to create new practices and trainings, as needed, to support your goals and work mission.

If you are looking for consultation on the Polyvagal Theory and somatic practices in counseling,

you are in the right place! As a trainer on Deb Dana’s* team, Amy brings years of knowledge and expertise to those searching for more information on how to use the theory as a counselor, therapist, social worker or coach. Developing an embodied sense of felt safety is crucial to all somatic and healing work. Amy has over a decade of experience in the polyvagal theory and over 30 years of practice in somatic work.

* Deb is the author of several best-selling books on the Polyvagal Theory

In consultation with Amy, you will:

  • Get to know your nervous system better

  • Practice somatic skills to use with clients

  • Learn how to help ourselves and other embody felt safety

  • Learn about the blended states of our nervous system

  • And more 😊

Polyvagal theory professional consultation

Individual Consultation

60 Minutes | $200

If you are new to the PVT or somatic practices in counseling, let’s start here with individual consultation to get you started on the right track. Amy is also open to one-on-one consultations if you prefer that to the group work.

"I wanted to say thank you for everything over the past 6 months in the Polyvagal Foundations course. You brought a warmth to the space that felt genuinely inviting and non-judgmental, and you clearly are very knowledgeable about all things related to polyvagal theory! It also sounds like you have a wealth of knowledge related to other topics that I wished I had the opportunity to hear more about - your experience having your own practice, integrating EMDR with polyvagal theory, and more. 

Thank you so much for all of the time and work you put into this course and for sharing your gifts for explaining things in a way that is easy to understand. I sincerely wish you all the best!"

~Courtney Schroder, 2023

Consulting with a knowledgeable colleague is a fantastic way to gain information and tried and true practical experience.

Proficient in the Polyvagal Theory, Amy Sullivan provides individual and/or group consultation sessions for professionals in the health field such as psychologists, therapists, doctors, bodyworkers and coaches.

Through the Polyvagal lens, Amy will offer up-to-date, information and exercises to better understand trauma and the Polyvagal Theory as a whole.

The works of Dr. Stephen Porges and Deb Dana are foundational in Amy’s consultation approach therefore, many clients have read their works to reinforce the information received in both Amy’s trainings and consultations. 

 Learning more about the nervous system helps clinicians no matter what therapeutic modality they use.

We know it is the nervous system, specifically the autonomic nervous system, that is the foundation for the feelings, behaviors and thoughts. The stories we tell ourselves about our emotions are usually derived from the nervous system experience. When we can slow down, connect, co-regulate and self-regulate, our reactive system will also slow. Let’s talk more about this!

“Amy’s collaborative and grounded approach to training makes co-presenting with her a breath of fresh air.  She embodies what she teaches and has a sense of humor that captures attention.  Her depth of knowledge and inviting approach leaves one feeling invigorated and ready to apply new information and skills!”

Alison Savage, MS, LPCC-S
Senior Specialist, Program Management
Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center